Runescape Player House Construction Items
With the construction skill in runescape being a necessary evil for people wanting to have their own player house, I felt it necessary to include some information about items in runescape that can boost the construction skill. This may help some players become more efficient when building their own house or it may not.
Anyway, the construction stat boosting items for runescape are:
- Tea
- Crystal Saw
- Evil Dave's Stew of Doom
The stat boosting tea can be made by players in their own house. It can boost construction between 1 and 3 levels for a short time. The process is as follows:
- Use kettle with sink - to fill the kettle
- Use kettle with range - to boil the kettle
- Use tea leaves with teapot
- Use kettle with teapot - add boiling water to make the tea
- Use teapot with cups - to get the cups of tea
Crystal Saw:
Players who have completed the Eyes of Glouphrie Quest in runescape will be able to get a crystal saw. It will provide a stat boost of +3 when used as a saw when building furniture or items that require a saw to be used. Obviously it will only work if a player has the required materials to build what they want.
The crystal saw can only be used to boost actual items that can be made using a saw and does not let players add rooms that are beyond their natural construction level. Consequently, players can not add plants to their gardens that are 3 levels higher than their normal construction level as garden plants do not require a saw to be used.
The crystal saw bonus will stack with the homemade tea and Evil Dave's Stew of Doom.
Evil Dave's Stew of Doom:
Players who have completed the Evil Dave section in Recipe for Disaster quest in runescape will be able to make a stew that will boost construction stats - again for only a short time. One of the spices used when making the stew will give a construction boost - although players should note that a stat boost can range from -6 to +6, but it will stack with any bonus gained from the tea or through using the saw.
Overall, construction of player owned houses in runescape can present a challenge to even the best players in the game - there are many different methods to raise the skill, although it does help to be aware of any stat boosting bonus items to make it more efficient. Runescape construction is an expensive skill to level for members so players should be aware of any items that will help them build sections in their house at an earlier level if desired. Additionally, players should be aware of the construction basics to ensure they are not wasted any unncessary effort or money in the process of building their house.